Focusing Classes and Workshops

Is Focusing only for the therapy or coaching room?

 Absolutely not. Focusing was developed as a self-development tool for anyone to use to gain insight and improve their lives. It was first offered in so-called Changes Groups in which lay people came together to receive a small amount of instruction on the process and then shared turns listening to one another Focus with a partner or in small groups.

Once learned, Focusing is a skill that can be used regularly throughout your life. Many people develop Focusing partnerships in which they meet weekly in person, by phone or online to share Focusing turns. One of my former Focusing students had this to say about her Focusing partnership experience:

“We are both amazed at how total strangers on the phone can have such trust and reach depths. It’s the sort of thing that could take years (or may never happen) in therapy or in long term ‘chatty’ friendships. … I feel more confident and so glad I have pursued Focusing.”– Jane M., Educator

How can you learn to Focus?

 It is best to learn Focusing from a Certified Focusing Professional who can guide you in a few sessions. Then if you want to become more skilled in using Focusing on your own or with a partner, you can attend workshops that to learn Focusing and the partnership protocols. I offer guided sessions in person, by phone or online.

What can you expect from my Focusing classes and workshops?

Here’s what some of my students have said about their learning experiences with me:

“You really do a wonderful job teaching and I have found my experience with your guided focusing to be phenomenal. Thank you for your commitment to a high quality course and overall experience. I will highly recommend you.”– Anne J, Life Coach

“Thanks for your competence and compassion, both of which make you a wonderful teacher. I hope to take another class with you soon.”- -Liz K., Administrator

“I’ve really enjoyed the two workshops I’ve gone to with you — and there’s nothing I can think of for you to do in terms of improvement. You’re very well-organized, use the time efficiently, set up clear goals in the beginning, ask our opinions about the course and what we want for ourselves, so we’re intimately involved in our goals, while understanding, too, that Focusing is a process, and you offer chances for us to practice it, and give very clear-guidelines along the way. Add to that your gentle, kind presence, and it’s a wonderful class! This is my honest feedback. : )”– Heather S., Psychotherapist

Upcoming Workshops & Classes

I am not offering live classes or workshops at this time. Private, partnership or small group Focusing instruction is available online upon request.

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